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Waiting on Baby C #3

Buy Coffee for Baby C #3


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Too Busy!

I don't know if I have been too busy to blog, or if my computer is just THAT slow that I get frustrated trying to get on facebook, much less load pictures and write blog posts! I will start with January, and work my way forward. Not too much writing, but lots of pictures. Deal? Deal!
Bday Party for a young friend:
Blake's Backwards Surprise Party: (we got him that sweet jersey for Christmas)
Heather's Baby Shower:
Kate loves kiwi:10 months! No way!BFFs Bday Party
Super Bowl: Loving Bath time :

February:It is still so cold! We are ready to be able to play outside!

Mexican night with the fam:

Cutie almost walking:
Surprise Snow
Kath wins an award:
1st Valentine's Day:
You got any teeth in there?
Valentine's Day date with Daddy:
Whew! I feel much better! Be on the lookout for March and April...coming very soon! P.S. Don't miss the giveaway below.


allyson said...

very cute pictures!! kate is getting so big!

Tricia said...

The Kate/Kiwi picture made me laugh so hard. You should keep that one handy for high school senior slideshows.

KRISTENR said...
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