Kate and I had a really good time planning her 6th Strawberry Shortcake Party!

Yummy sweets table!
As everyone was arriving, the girls painted flower pots and then planted seeds at the end of the party.
So happy her friends were arriving!
Kate asked for no gifts from her friends, but that they donate towards mosquito nets for children in Africa. We try to pick a charity that also goes along with the theme, so we were trying to keep bugs out of the berry patch! She thought of the mosquito nets on her own...we donated towards this organization a few years ago at VBS and she remembered.
She was very specific on what kind of cake she wanted...three layers, chocolate cake with strawberries inside, and pink icing with white polka dots. She isnt particular at all ;)
Old SSC and friends
We also hunted for strawberries.
We had a build-a-pie relay making blueberry, raspberry, lemon, and strawberry pies.
Audrie and Aunt Dee were in town too!
Grammy and PopPop made it for the party!
I also love making pinatas for their parties!
The pinata made Uncle Bretty a nervous wreck.
PapaQ and Ninabelle and the kids

Kate, you are an amazing little girl. You are determined, funny, smart, and sensitive. You love being with your family, plan play dates every day (and write out invitations to slip in your friends backpacks), and love alone time in your room with your Barbies. You have amazed me this year learning how to ride your bike, tie your shoes, read, and do math. You have lost 6 teeth already! You love your brothers and daddy, and I think you like having me around too. You have taught me so much about listening to other people. loving people for who they are, and patience!!! You have an incredible memory and help me with directions when I am driving. You love to sing and perform for our family, but you get shy around people you dont feel completely comfortable around. When you get uncomfortable or jealous you tend to lash out, but this is also something I have seen mature in you this year. Your meltdowns are farther and farther between, and it is usually because you feel unheard. I love listening to your imagination and the stories you write. You are so creative! In the morning, you like to know the plan for the day, and you appreciate it when we stick exactly to the plan. You like to have "acativities" to do, and you are really enjoying dance class. You have such a huge heart and are constantly worried about homeless people and sad things that your 6 year old brain shouldn't have to worry about yet. I love that about you. I know you are going to grow up to do great things for God, little girl. You make your mama and daddy proud every day just for being Kate.
My daughter,
I wish you the strength to face challenges with confidence...
along with the wisdom to choose your battles carefully...
I wish you adventure on your journey and may you always stop to help someone along the way...
Listen you your heart and take risks carefully...
Remember how much you are loved...
I am so proud of you.
Patsy Grant